Multi-Language Website Extension

bilingual or multilanguage solutions are a powerful tool for a more personal and engaging appearance. We work with clients on all continents and are highly experienced with providing a quick setup and training on how to manage the system yourself.

The responsive widget will be directly placed on your website




Outstanding Key Features

Visual Translation Editor

Easy live-editing process via the Weglot editing Interface.


Automated Browser language detection

Visitors will see the website in their browser language. If the lanugage is not (yet) available, the system will use the designated fallback-language. For instance, a US-based visitor will see the EN version. a Germany-based client will see the German version. If there is no Swedish version, the system will show the EN version by default


Automated Translation + manual fine-tuning

The groundbreaking combination of the best, available translation engines (Deepl, Google, Yandex, Microsoft) provides an almost perfect translation for your site. You can directly fine-tune the translations manually. You can also hire a professional translator through your interface.


Get Started

  • Full ready-to-use setup assistance (1h) on how to manage the translations

  • Personal assistance with your process of installing Weglot to your website (individual)

any further questions? contact us

Note: Version: Jan/25 (Please follow the Pricing link for the latest pricing model.)
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Some of our clients:

Armin Braunsberger

Armin Braunsberger is an agency owner, multi-media professional and web designer based out of Denmark. He is one of the most prolific designers in the Squarespace Marketplace, having completed over 700 verified projects.


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